Monday, October 1, 2007

Why Muslims think they are Superior

While living in Indonesia for an extended period of time in an all-Muslim neighborhood, I took it upon myself to learn about the culture, the language, and most importantly, to learn about the teachings of Islam. One of the first things I did was to hire a language teacher that just happened to be a devout Muslim. Hence, not only did I take language lessons 7 days a week from my Indonesian teacher, he taught me why he believed Islam was the only true religion in the world and why I should convert to Islam.
What I discovered from my language teacher really did amaze me because according to Muslims, every soul on this earth is a Muslim whether they know it or not because Islam was created by God while all other religions were created by man. Let me repeat that so I make myself clear. Muslims believe Islam was created by God; Muhammad was the messenger of God while Jesus never even spoke to God, much less was the son of God. Hence, Islam was founded by God while Jesus, a simple man, founded a man-made religion.
Before I explain this logic further, it is important to understand three principle meanings that all Muslims learn when learning about Islam.
1. Islam means to submit to the will of God which means living in accordance with the intentions of the Creator as set down in the Quran by Muhammad’s scribes.
2. Islam is a religion that is a set of beliefs, customs and rituals practiced by a group of people known as Muslims
3. Islam is a set of cultural, linguistic, historical and racial features common to a geographical area known as the Muslim countries and to people originating from these countries.
If Muslims believe that Islam is total submission to the will of God and that this theory existed throughout all of human history, even Abraham, a Jew was a Muslim since he is described as “walking in the ways of God.” Hence, people following the ways of God are known as sincere Muslims. Since Islam is a religion based on the Qur’an, it is important to understand that Muhammad believed that even prior to his time, the Jews and all the other people that believed in one God were in essence Muslims and therefore followed in the footsteps of true Islam.
One example used by modern Muslims to rationalize why everyone is a Muslim if they believe in one God is Napoleon Bonaparte, the great French Emperor. While in exile on the island of St. Helena, Napoleon wrote a book entitled “The Thoughts of the Prisoner of the Island of St. Helena” that was published shortly after his death. The most quoted phase from this book by Muslims from Napoleon’s book is “The existence of one God is undoubtable, but all religions are created by man.” Hence, if Napoleon meant the Creator of the Universe, then “such belief in existence of one God would make Napoleon a sincere Muslim.
So, if you happen to believe in one God, the Creator of the Universe, and you do not believe in any other gods, and most importantly, you seek to live your life honestly in accordance with the intentions of the Creator, according to Islamic teachings you are a sincere Muslim.
According to Muslims, while the Hebrew prophets might have given the world the fundamental values of the creator, the Jews wanted to keep these values to themselves and it was only Jesus that wished to spread the values of the Hebrew prophets among the non-Jews.
So, since Jesus was only a prophet and Muhammad was the actual messenger of God, the Muslims faith dictates them to believe that while the Christians might have benefited from the values of the Hebrew prophet, they wrapped themselves up in myths of a man-shaped God who according to Muslims, believe he, that being Jesus, had a wife and a son. Muslims also believe that the Hebrew prophets invented the myth of the Trinity. Hence, most of our values are based upon myth and a man-made God while Muslims values are based upon the true God and Muhammad was his humble messenger. How else could we believe in a false premise of a Trinity and that Jesus was the actual son of God?
Is it any wonder why Muslims are taught in every Mosque in the world that Islam can’t live side-by-side with any other Religion if every other religion in the world was created by man except Islam? This theory explains why in every Muslim country in the world since Muhammad’s time non-Muslims have been persecuted daily, killed, and taxed to death unless they converted to Islam and the practice is still quite alive today around the world.
According to Islam, all other beliefs are the result of people abandoning their beliefs in the one true faith and the result of Christianity is the spread of crimes against people and property, the use of drugs and alcohol and of course sexual depravity.
Richard Bell, the great Muslim scholar, put it best when he summarized Muhammad’s final interactions with the Jews and Christian of Medina when his power base was spreading into northern Arabia when “neither Jews nor Christians will be satisfied with him (referring to Muhammad) until he follows their milla or type of religions. It was just as impossible for him to make concessions…Thus the relationship with the Christians ended as that with the Jews ended, in war.”
According to my Indonesian language teacher and every other Muslim I have met in my travels around the Muslim world, the only way to save the planet and our souls is to bring mankind back to the values of the Prophets and away from the depravity that all the other manmade faiths teach.
Muhammad’s disdain and feeling of superiority over all other religions, especially the Jews might have started at the early age of nine or twelve according some Muslims when Muhammad went with a merchant caravan to Syria. During the trip, they stopped at a place called Bostra where there was a Christian monk that lived in cave. The story goes that Bahira, the Monk; saw a low-hanging cloud that moved with the travelers shading them from the hot sun. Bahira knew that such a portent was of high significance and he immediately thought of the expected Prophet so he invited them in for food, drink, and conversation. According to legend, the Monk told Abu Talib, Muhammad’s uncle to “Take thy brother’s son back to his country, and guard him against the Jews, for by God, if they see him and know of him that which I know, they will contrive evil against him.”
So you see, even before Muhammad started his prophecy, it was told to him that Jews were evil and out to destroy him and his vision of the world being but one religion. According to Islam believers, Muhammad was the one true prophet the world had been waiting for so truly he was the one true messenger of God. According to all the teachings of Islam practiced in every Muslim country and every Muslim Mosque here in America and around the world, Jews and Christians are but followers of man-made religions while Islam was created by God himself. It is the duty of every Muslim to convert us to Islam or force us to pay the Jizya (tax) for our evil ways. How could Muslims not feel superior to the rest of the world?

Friday, July 13, 2007

A Personal Letter to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

It is apparent to many people around the world that Islam and its ruling clerics have mastered the art of mindless rhetoric used to both scare and intimidate the world to surrender everything that made western civilizations nations great. As most people over 40 years old recall, the Islamic rhetoric really started to come over the radar with Arafat as early as the early 1960’s but most people will agree that Iran’s dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has perfected the art of violent behavior, violent words, and unabated denial of human events so well documented that even the most racist minded person with blinders and an IQ of 69 can see through.
Perhaps it’s time for our leaders to fight fire with fire verses fighting fire with politically correct words laced with sugar. After 14 hundred years of continuous Jihad against all non-Muslims around the world, you would think that the world would unite against this 7th century mentality that people actually call a Religion. The world still sits back and lets the Islamic Jihadists funded by other Islamic states conquer nation after nation through the sword killing everyone that disagrees with their religious belief system while our leaders continue to call for endless peace negotiations which the ruling Clerics use a fodder and extra time to kill thousands of more Christians and Jews every single day of the year.
In order to get people’s attention to start the worldwide revolution against these Islamic Jihadists, I believe we need to start with words since that is where everything starts. Imagine if all the non-Muslim UN nations decided to simply take the hate filled racist words coming from all the Islamic nations and repeat them back to the Islamic nations and back them up with our superior technology, willpower, and our fundamental beliefs in freedom which has lacking in every Muslim nation on this earth since the inception of Islam. I propose the following letter to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the “House of Saud” who is funding the most of the radicalism of Islam around the world, to Syria, and to all the other nations funding the spread of terror against all non-Muslims around the world.
A personal letter to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:
The Religion of Islam will one day, God willing, disappear from this earth thanks to the Christian Armies of the world that will one day pick it apart like a rotten tree that is blown away by one big storm. The countdown for the destruction of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and all other Muslim Jihadist nations has begun since all Muslims that believe in Islam are the personification of Satan.
In the case of any unwise move by the fake regimes of Islam, the Christian Armies will be so destructive and quick that the Islamic regimes will regret its move against all western nations. Muhammad invented the myth of Islam and because his followers practice his satanic teachings and false teachings, they will not be forgiven. Because the rulers of Islam deny the overwhelming evidence of the massacre of the Jews in World War II, and the state of Israel, and have even placed the great Satan Muhammad about the teaching of Christ, it shall be crushed because of its infidel teachings and lies it perpetrates to its youth and followers while at the same time aligning itself with the beliefs and practices of Hitler
The West will not shy away from declaring war on Islam and is ready to rule the world and pillage all its oil reserves which are its only source of income that help it perpetuate it’s violent and ignorant teachings around the world.. The wave of the true prophet, Jesus Christ and his followers will soon reach the entire world while the false teachings of Muhammad (May he be damned in hell) will be revealed to the misled and ignorant followers of Islam hiding behind a veil of lies, and false teachings.
Our revolution is justified and our mission is righteous and it will pave the way for the reappearance of Jesus Christ for his second coming. Whereas the world knows that the reappearance of the 12th Imam sometimes know as the Mahdi, is yet another myth perpetrated by the Religion of intolerance, the world knows that Jesus Christ will lead the world into an era of peace and prosperity, but not before the planet is convulsed by death and destruction brought upon by the followers of the false religion of Islam. The Martyr’s of Islam will be banished into hell while Christians will conquer the mountaintops of the entire world. Do not doubt God will prevail since the word of God is more beautiful, more sublime, and more divine than any of the Satan witchcrafts Islam will try and conjure up. Iran can recruit thousands of suicide bombers a day but we will find them and crush them with the might of our technology and the will of our people that treasure freedom, not the sword and evil teachings of Muhammad.
By the grace of God, and the power of freedom, we will bomb your nuclear yearning into oblivion and burn your oil wells to the ground thereby crushing your only source of wealth into the ground. We will stop all western technologies from reaching your shores and halt the import of food grown in free lands from reaching the mouths of your followers with the grace of God. God, and his mighty prophet, the only true prophet Jesus, with courage, faith and commitment to Christianity, have created a powerful army that can powerfully defend the integrity of our borders and will cut off the hand of any Islamic aggressor and place the sign of disgrace on their forehead without exception. We will send the remains of your martyr’s heads back on a platter of pigs blood and stop the Islamic Republic of Iran every becoming a world superpower before it even comes close to creating nuclear weapons.
Without your oil, you are nothing and have always been nothing. The world without Iran and radical Islam can be accomplished. The world without radical Islam will at last be free. America, Israel and all the world that believes in freedom are resolved in defeating the great Satan and the false teachings of Islam. The 3rd caliphate is nothing but a dream that will go down in another defeat like it did 1683 at the gates of Vienna.
Imagine the world without Islam and its violent teachings, to those who doubt, to those who ask is it possible, or those who do not believe, I say accomplishment of a world without the radical Islam and a nuclear powered Iran is both possible and feasible for a world without Islam is a world at peace.
